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FormDef Download Page

FormDef 1.0 for Struts 1.2.7 or later

Source distribution
Binary distribution
Library distribution

The binary distribution includes:

FormDef Struts Plugin
formdef.jar and documentation
- Jar file for including formdef in an application.

FormDef Sample Applications
All sample applications come with source code and are ready to deploy. sampler.war
- FormDef sampler application which shows all the supported types (except for java.sql.Date).
- initial page: /sampler/index.do

- Demonstrates using locale-specific conversion strings.
- initial page: /locale/index.do

- Demonstrates forms mapped to beans that nest other beans.
- initial page: /nested/index.do

The library distribution includes the formdef.jar file and documentation.

FormDef - Validator Combined Configuration File Support

To use a combined configuration file for form definition and form validation, the following download is required.

Source distribution
Binary distribution
Jar file

The formdef_1_0-validator_1_2_0.jar can also be used with Commons Validator 1.1.4 which comes with Struts 1.2.7/1.2.8. A form-defs_1_0-validator_1_1_3.dtd file is included in this version to match the validator_1_1_3.dtd that Commons Validator 1.1.4 uses.

The binary distribution includes:

FormDef-Validator extension
- Jar file for supporting the use of a combined FormDef and Validator configuration file.

employees.war Sample Application
- Uses the combined FormDef and Validator xml. Comes with source code and is ready to deploy.
- initial page: /employees/index.do


These files are being made available under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.